XII. Contextualization: all of this is your life. There isn’t another life available with this one b
What you believe about yourself and what you make your life mean is contextualized within your own life. There are certain narratives...
XI. Believing it will be easy blinds us to the real work.
Be wary of someone’s proposed “fix” to your struggle if it seems too easy. This stuff takes time. It takes effort. It can be interesting,...
IX. Holding tight to the goal of happiness can keep you stuck.
Sometimes you look at someone you’ve known for a long time and notice that they look a lot happier than they used to. You wonder what it...
VIII. Shame is a core experience that keeps us trapped.
Shame is an amazing tool for controlling others. As the recipient of this kind of control, shame is devastating to carry around and will...
VII. Belief systems: It’s not just what happens that shapes us, but the beliefs that come from them.
The meaning making that I speak of in the previous section is quite conscious. What I speak of in this section is a different animal, at...
VI. Making everything mean something is exhausting.
Humans are meaning makers. But before people set out on their healing journey or their spiritual journey, I’d love it if they could...
V. The potential arrogance of committing to your healing journey.
Committing to a healing journey, or to an alternative spiritual path can make you, at least at first, feel “better than". We might think,...
IV. We are shaped by the systems we live within.
We have the families that we have and we live in the society that we live in. And many of the ways that we behave in these families and...
III. Trying to Self-Love and Exhausting Ourselves With the Ephemeral Notion of "Unconditional L
There is something that is said again and again in the New Age, yoga, healer, metaphysical communities as though it is truth, or at the...
II. Why it’s hard to approach a healer, even if you want to. The flakiness of the “healing industry”
Warning: Rants. So you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Or in pain. Or stuck. Or toiling away at the same unsatisfying job....